How to find and deal with contractors

Our Contracting Guide e-book can help you find and supervise contractors, save money, avoid problems and effectively address issues that may come up. The Guide reflects our experience dealing with many types of contractors.

Buy it now for only $2.99 at Amazon (free for kindleunlimited users).

Money-saving tips and advice

We saved thousands of dollars by following the advice it contains, and so can you. We also successfully handled numerous contractor related issues and tell you how we did it.

You will learn:

  • Whether being your own general contractor is right for you
  • Whether a “one man shop” contractor or a firm will best meet your needs
  • How to find and assess contractors
  • How to deal with estimates, proposals and contracts
  • About possible traps for the unwary
  • Why it is so important to periodically inspect the work
  • An array of money-saving tips
  • How to handle problems that may come up

Comes with handy model specifications

Included are model specifications you can use to prepare specifications describing your project. Your contractor can then provide you with a detailed estimate based on your specs.

A detailed estimate will help ensure that you are not taken advantage of. For example, it will be impossible for the contractor to claim “that was not part of the job”. The contractor will also benefit because everything will be spelled out in advance.

This helpful e-book is easy to buy

The Contracting Guide e-book is available at Amazon for only $2.99.

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